nota kepala:
kalau korang tengah sedih baru lepas broke up,please jangan tekan play and tengok video tu..okeyy? wawa tak mau buat sesiapa sedih.just chill babe. :)
tadi pegi godek-godek tumblr :), then tiba-tiba terjumpa piano cover lagu ni. Bila dengar, macam best saja. So cepat-cepat pegi cari video dekat youtube pula. Dah jumpa. Nice. :) korang dengar tau.
lyrics in english.
After covering my face with a white muffler. I waited for you as I blinked my red-shot eyes. Those words I wanted to say. But not quiet sure what they were. An awkward nod with tightening throat. As we take a step back, the empty space between us is filled with tears. I angrily exclaimed, 'Go'.. And It seems like that I’ve already fled far far away.
Broke up today, we’ve broken up. If you think you can understand my heart, then please cry with me. I suppose I can’t be the one, I suppose it’s a no. How longer do I have to cry until you'll love me properly?
Your heartbeats and you echoes my eardrum. The lips locked away, gets clearer. Since when and where did we drift apart. When you've loved me till yesterday.
I was happy, I was so happy it pained more. I hate myself for getting tricked by love. I should have stayed and told you I was hurt. Our memories of love, that should be holding you back. You live tomorrow and I today. No one, nothing can make me smile.
harap korang pun enjoy lagu ni macam wawa. :) kalau nak original lyric dia,pegi cari dekat google sendiri.wawa tak paham bahasa korea.muahaha.
nota kaki: wawa bukan peminat drama korea okeyyy. :)
Hello little earthling jello, awkward strangers and mysterious stalkers (:
You're most welcome to be here, but please behave yourself.
Before anything else, please follow these rules: No ripping, spamming, stealing and any type of childish acts.
I ban those people.
I think you're already familiar with the phrases "My blog, my rules!", so respect is a must. Kindly no harsh words and rude comments on the taggie board. I hope you'll enjoy your stay and have fun peoples.
please click the like button to support my blog. :)
i love♥ you guys so much.rawr!
"i'm miss perfect in my own little world,so perfections is me."
Full name: Nurul Alwani Nor Azni Shah
Nick name : wowwa or ell.
Birthday : 12 october 1991
Status : TAKEN by my chenta hati, Ahmad Zulhilman Zulbryner on 15th may 2010.
Facebook : Alwani Zulhilman
Fanpage : Blogger Says
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Full name: Ahmad Zulhilman Zulbryner
Nick name : ujawa or ujang.
Birthday : 27 july 1990
Status : TAKEN by Nurul Alwani Nor Azni Shah on 15th may 2010.
Facebook : Zulhilman Alwani
We've been walking and holding hands through the spring, summer, autumn and winter together ever since the cupid strike the love arrow to our hearts and keeping our fingers cross, praying for our amazing love journey to be last foverer and ever, till death do us apart :)
currently taken by ahmad zulhilman bin zulbryner on 15 may 2010.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 @ 1:20 AM | 0 Comment [s]
nota kepala:
kalau korang tengah sedih baru lepas broke up,please jangan tekan play and tengok video tu..okeyy? wawa tak mau buat sesiapa sedih.just chill babe. :)
tadi pegi godek-godek tumblr :), then tiba-tiba terjumpa piano cover lagu ni. Bila dengar, macam best saja. So cepat-cepat pegi cari video dekat youtube pula. Dah jumpa. Nice. :) korang dengar tau.
lyrics in english.
After covering my face with a white muffler. I waited for you as I blinked my red-shot eyes. Those words I wanted to say. But not quiet sure what they were. An awkward nod with tightening throat. As we take a step back, the empty space between us is filled with tears. I angrily exclaimed, 'Go'.. And It seems like that I’ve already fled far far away.
Broke up today, we’ve broken up. If you think you can understand my heart, then please cry with me. I suppose I can’t be the one, I suppose it’s a no. How longer do I have to cry until you'll love me properly?
Your heartbeats and you echoes my eardrum. The lips locked away, gets clearer. Since when and where did we drift apart. When you've loved me till yesterday.
I was happy, I was so happy it pained more. I hate myself for getting tricked by love. I should have stayed and told you I was hurt. Our memories of love, that should be holding you back. You live tomorrow and I today. No one, nothing can make me smile.
harap korang pun enjoy lagu ni macam wawa. :) kalau nak original lyric dia,pegi cari dekat google sendiri.wawa tak paham bahasa korea.muahaha.
nota kaki: wawa bukan peminat drama korea okeyyy. :)
Want to exchange banner? Tell me at Chatbox. You'll be next :)
hye peeps. :)
welcome to wowwawa tutorial's page.korang free menggunakan semua tutorial dalam blog wawa ni untuk mencantikkan blog korang tu.but remember this always,korang boleh gunakan sahaja bukannya curi tutorial wawa.
i did all these by myself,so i earned some respect don't you think? so please,don't be a copycat.
and one more,if korang dah guna dan berjaya mengaplikasikan tutorial wawa dekat blog korang..boleh tak kalau korang tekan like button dekat sidebar tu? thanks a lots for your support. :)
kebanyakkan tutorial yang wawa buat ni adalah untuk pengguna simple template dan template designer sahaja.kalau korang guna template yang sama dengan wawa,adalah mustahil korang untuk korang cakap dekat wawa yang korang gagal buat tutorial ni,sebab kesemua tutorial yang wawa buat ini sama ada wawa pernah atau telah wawa aplikasikan dalam blog ini.
mulai sekarang,korang boleh request apa saja tutorial mengenai blog dekat wawa.insya'allah,bila ada kesempatan,wawa akan buat tutorial yang korang request tu yea. :)
make sure korang tinggalkan nama, URL blog and request korang. ANONYMOUS tidak dilayan okeyyyyhh?